Personality Traits as Factors in the Self-Development of the Staff of the State Employment Service of Ukraine
"Personality Traits as Factors in the Self-Development of the Staff of the State Employment Service of Ukraine". - Qualifying scientific work on the rights of the manuscript. The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of philosophy in the field of 053 «Psychology» (05 Social and behavioral sciences). – Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Kyiv, 2020. The actuality of the dissertation research is to improve and develop a model of psychological support for personal and professional development of employees of the State Employment Service of Ukraine (SESU), due to the problem of forming a personnel reserve in public sector of Ukraine. The object of the research is professional self-development of employees of the State Employment Service. The subject of the research is the personal factors of self-development of employees of the SESU. The purpose of the study is to develop and test a program of psychological support for self-development of employees of the SESU, based on identifying in the context of continuing education factors of their personal growth. The developed program of psychological support of personal and professional growth of the personnel reserve of SESU provides the development of personality orientation on self-development and development of individual-professional skills (soft skills) with the help of acmeological and competence approaches. It should be noted that the level of reliability of the results is confirmed by the use of adequate methods in the research process: a) theoretical - analysis, generalization, interpretation of scientific sources on the phenomena of personal development, professional growth, motivational factors of self-development; b) empirical: for the study of individual differences and the level of self-actualization of employees of SESU - Test "Big Five" (5PFQ), and Self-actualization test - SAT; for the diagnosis of intrapersonal emotional intelligence of the individual - Test for Emotional Self-Awareness; To establish the motives of employees - Test for the diagnosis of motivation to achieve by A. Mehrabian and Test "Readiness for self-development" by V. Pavlov. Determination of personal development factors was performed using two-way Pearson correlation analysis, chi-square test and linear multiple regression analysis. Checking the effectiveness of the psychological support program - using the criterion G - signs and the t-Student's test for dependent samples. All mathematical operations were performed by using the computer program IBM SPSS Statistics (version 20.0). The main results of the research have been introduced into the program of advanced training of the personnel reserve of the SESU in the IPC of the SESU at the Department of Psychology and Social Work of the IPT of the SESU from 01.09.2018 to 31.12.2018.