GIS dataset - Housing Stock 1951-1980 Córdoba (Spain)

Published: 5 May 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4v5t4jhhms.1


-- DESCRIPTION -- The provided material supports a research over the residential building stock in Mediterranean areas and its potential for energy improvement. Architectural, constructive, and energy-related data of existing residential buildings dating from 1951-1980 in Córdoba, a Southern Spanish city, have been extensively compiled in a dataset supported by a Geographic Information System (GIS). Five interactive web maps that contain the data collected and the results of the research are hereby provided. The generated tool is expected to help interested stakeholders in decision-making processes, and encourage the upgrading of the city stock to reach the goals set for existing buildings within the European framework. -- INSTRUCTIONS -- The structure of the GIS dataset is subdivided into five compressed folders, each one containing the corresponding interactive web map: - 01 GIS Identification and definition - 02 GIS Architectural characterization - 03 GIS Constructive definition - 04 GIS Energy assessment - 05 GIS Scenarios for energy improvement The subsequent steps need to be followed to surf on the GIS dataset: 1. STEPS FOR A START To fully consult the provided data, it needs to be downloaded to the PC. The five different compressed folders can be downloaded separately and consulted independently. IMPORTANT NOTE: all the files contained in each of the five folders must remain together. Take caution when moving any of the downloaded folders to a different PC route. 2. LAUNCH THE INTERACTIVE WEB MAPS To open the interactive web maps you must dive into each folder and click on the *.html file that will be named similarly to the host folder. All *.html files can be launched in any internet browser. 3. NAVIGATE THE INTERACTIVE WEB MAPS Once an interactive web map is launched in the browser, it appears at its whole extent. Zooming in and out, and panning over the page is enabled and will provide for a higher level of detail. 4. MANAGE THE INTERACTIVE LEGEND Each web map contains an interactive legend with ticked boxes that reveal the activation or deactivation of the information layers. Top layers overlap the bottom ones downwards, in the same order of appearance in the legend. Hence to consult the hidden ones, the layers above need to be deactivated (unticked). 5. CONSULT THE BUILDINGS INFORMATION Graphical entities within each information layer will appear provided their host layer is switched on. The information of each building will appear in a pop-up window whenever a graphical entity is selected.


Steps to reproduce

-- DATA SOURCE AND SOFTWARE -- A thorough documentation of Archive files and original projects [1] of the analysed building stock has been carried out to acknowledge for architectural and constructive prevailing patterns. A statistical screening with census [2] and cadastre data [3] was used to select representative case-study buildings later generated as energy models. To generate the GIS dataset, open-source software QGIS (v.3.2.0) [4] has been used. A supporting map is created through a mass download of shapefile information layers from the urban cadastre cartography (municipal, neighbourhood and building levels) [3]. Once the aimed dataset is compiled, the interactive maps have been generated with qgis2web [5] open-source plug-in in QGIS. The simulation of energy models has been done with an acknowledged ad hoc Spanish software named CE3X (v.2.3) with DOE 2.2 calculation engine [6]. -- REFERENCES -- [1] Córdoba City Council. Municipal Historical Archive. n.d. (accessed November 16, 2020) [2] National Statistics Institute (NSI). Population and Housing Census 2011. n. d. (accessed November 16, 2020) [3] Spanish Electronic Cadastre Website. Ministry of Housing. n. d. (accessed November 16, 2020) [4] Quantum GIS. v2.18.16. n. d. (accessed November 16, 2020) [5] Qgis2web. QGIS Python Plugins Repository. n. d. (accessed November 16, 2020) [6] CE3X Acknowledged Document for the Energy Certification of Existing Buildings. E.P.E. Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE). Ministry for the Ecological Transition. n. d. (accessed November 16, 2020)


Universidad de Sevilla, Politecnico di Milano


Applied Sciences
