Changes in adult well-being and economic inequalities: An exploratory observational longitudinal study (2002-2010) of micro-level trends among Tsimane’, a small-scale rural society of Indigenous People in the Bolivian Amazon

Published: 5 January 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4vjvbvk94f.1
Ricardo Godoy


The dataset contains the two Stata V17 files on which the article in World Development (2014) with the same title as the dataset is based. It also includes the Stata computer codes (do files) and a one-page Word document on how to run the datasets


Steps to reproduce

These are included in the Word document titled, "Guidelines to replicate results_Febr_2023"


Brandeis University


Panel Data


Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences

BCS: 0650378

Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences

BCS: 0552296, BCS: 0200767, BCS: 0111905, BCS: 0104575, BCS: 0078801

World Bank

Might culture pay off? Using an experimental design to evaluate the effects of farming innovations and cultural empowerment among lowland Amerindians in Bolivia

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

. Encroachers, conservation, and the welfare of Indigenous People in the rain forest of Bolivia

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

R2 HD050776. Inequality, social capital, and health in Bolivia
