KANTBP 3.1: A program for computing energy levels, reflection and transmission matrices, and corresponding wave functions in the coupled-channel and adiabatic approaches

Published: 25 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4vm9fhyvh3.1


A FORTRAN program for calculating energy values, reflection and transmission matrices, and corresponding wave functions in a coupled-channel approximation of the adiabatic approach is presented. In this approach, a multidimensional Schrödinger equation is reduced to a system of the coupled second-order ordinary differential equations on a finite interval with the homogeneous boundary conditions of the third type at left- and right-boundary points for the discrete spectrum and scattering problems. The resulting system of such equations, containing potential matrix elements and first-derivative coupling terms is solved using high-order accuracy approximations of the finite element method. The scattering problem is solved with non-diagonal potential matrix elements in the left and/or right asymptotic regions and different left and right threshold values. Benchmark calculations for the fusion cross sections of 36S+48Ca, 64Ni+100Mo reactions are presented. As a test desk, the program is applied to the calculation of the reflection and transmission matrices and corresponding wave functions of the exact solvable wave-guide model, and also the fusion cross sections and mean angular momenta of the 16O+144Sm reaction.



Atomic Physics, Molecular Physics, Computational Physics, Ordinary Differential Equation, Finite Element Methods, Schrödinger Equation
