Climate impacts on blacklegged tick host-seeking behavior - supplementary code

Published: 1 December 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4vnt67pk63.1
Max McClure, Maria Diuk-Wasser


This Igor Pro experiment file contains 1) the code for the dynamic state variable model described in "Climate impacts on blacklegged tick host-seeking behavior" in the International Journal for Parasitology (2018), 2) the code for forward simulations of tick behavior through the matrices generated by the model, 3) matrices generated by the model, including those used to generate the indicated figures in the main text of the manuscript, and 4) the figures themselves. Instructions for running the model are included in the annotations for the code. Within the folders containing data for the individual figures, folder names primarily correspond to the naming convention "Tq_aVq*10_Tr_aVr*10" (e.g.: "20_8_20_9" means an experiment in which the questing temperature was set to 20C, questing aV was set to 0.8, resting temperature was set to 20C, and resting aV was set to 0.9). Within each folder, significant generated waves include: -VAvg and the corresponding VConfInt (the fitness matrix, averaged across multiple stochastic runs of the dynamic state variable equation) -DAvg and the corresponding DConfInt (the matrix of optimal pq(t) decisions, again averaged) -monte (a record of fitness scores for a forward-simulated tick) -monte_p_q (a record of pq(t) decisions for a forward-simulated tick) -monte_x (a record of lipid reserves for a forward-simulated tick) -monte_w (a record of water reserves for a forward-simulated tick)



Parasitology, Modelling
