Capital Controls and Trade Policy

Published: 4 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4w57mbw4p4.1
Simon Lloyd,


Replication code for Lloyd and Marin (2024), "Capital Controls and Trade Policy". See readme for description of code. Paper Abstract: How does optimal capital-flow management change with prevailing trade policies? We study the joint optimal determination of capital controls and trade tariffs in a two-country, two-good model with trade in goods and assets. Because countries are large in both markets, a country-planner can achieve higher domestic welfare by departing from free trade in addition to levying capital controls, despite the cooperative optimal allocation being efficient. However, time variation in the optimal tariff induces households to over- or under-borrow through its effects on the path of the real exchange rate. As a result, optimal capital controls are generally smaller when trade policy is constrained (i.e., by a Free-Trade Agreement), but, absent retaliation, can be larger depending on the paths of underlying fundamentals.



Bank of England, University of California Davis


Economics, International Economics
