Capacity for shopping and preparing meals in population aged 65 and over in Spain in 2020

Published: 10 November 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4wbbcs4445.1
Montserrat Guillen,


Data are obtained from the European Health Survey in Spain, 2020. The construction of a composite indicator for the Index of Autonomy in Food Acquisition (IAFA) is based on answers to questions 42.A and 42.C., where respondents evaluate whether they usually have difficulty preparing meals and making food purchases. Details on the index definition can be found here: Pons-Novell, J.; Guillen, M. The Autonomous Capacity of the Elderly Population in Spain for Shopping and Preparing Meals. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19. An R program to calculate IAFA, standardizations and confidence intervals is available from the authors. Variable definitions: EDADa is age in years SEXOa equals 1 for men and 2 for women L42_1 si difficulties in shopping (with 1 = No, no difficulty, 2 = Yes, some difficulty, 3 = Yes, great difficulty, 4 = Cannot do it and 5 =Not Applicable, never tried or never needed to do so) L42_3 si difficulties in preparing meals (with 1 = No, no difficulty, 2 = Yes, some difficulty, 3 = Yes, great difficulty, 4 = Cannot do it and 5 =Not Applicable, never tried or never needed to do so) CCAA is region of residence ("Andalucía", "Aragón", "Asturias, Principado de", "Balears, Illes", "Canarias", "Cantabria", "Castilla y León", "Castilla - La Mancha", "Cataluña", "Comunitat Valenciana", "Extremadura", "Galicia", "Madrid, Comunidad de", "Murcia, Región de", "Navarra, Comunidad Foral de", "País Vasco", "Rioja, La", "Ceuta" and "Melilla") D26_hogar is the household monthly income level in euros. FACTORADULTO is the sample weighting


Steps to reproduce

The data are obtained from the European Health Survey in Spain in 2020 (Available online: All procedures require sample weighting. The R package "survey" was used to compute estimated absolute and relative frequencies. The composite index and confidence intervals were computed. Standardizations were done by gender and age group. Visualization was also obtained in R.


Universitat de Barcelona


Risk Analysis, Health Economics, Aging


Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación


Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats

ICREA Academia
