Alternative Numerical Simulation Approach for Obtaining FLC/FLD - Supplementary Data

Published: 28 November 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4wg9nkz8b6.1
Serap Dikmenli


This supplemental dataset is part of the paper published under "Alternative Numerical Simulation Approach for Obtaining FLC/FLD" and contains Chart Data Excel Sheets, High Resolution Image & Sample Abaqus input file. The aim of providing these files in dataset is that; a) verification to what is published, b) create solid foundation for the future studies, c) easily adapt into FLC/FLD curve study of his/her own.


Steps to reproduce

Related charts, figures and supplied sample data explained in detail on paper called "Alternative Numerical Simulation Approach for Obtaining FLC/FLD", this dataset is a supplemental to the mentioned paper.


Numerical Analysis, Finite Element Modeling, Extended Finite Element Method, Metal Forming, Sheet Metal Forming, Numerical Computational Method, Dynamic Simulation, Structural Finite Element, Sheet Metal Product
