Local Seismic Cultural Noise data of National Capital Region, India
Local Seismic Noise waveforms recorded by the Seismic Sensing Nodes, developed by CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh, India), placed in five locations of NCR, India from Oct'14 - Feb'19 are collected. This database contains 38030 tri-axial seismic noise accelerograms and corresponding metadata. The metadata and raw waveform data are stored in a BSON formatted files titled header.bson and accelerogram.bson respectively. Each accelerogram record contains header information regarding Peak Ground Acceleration ( tri-axial PGA) at the sensor site. Some of the local noise records also contain signals generated due to strong distant earthquakes or insignificant local tremors from nearby fault regions. These records are significantly less in number and recorded partially in separate event files. Hence, due to the unconfirmed nature of sources, these files are included in this local noise dataset.
Steps to reproduce
MongoDB community edition (https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community) along with MongoDB Database Tools (https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community) need to be installed. Using the "mongorestore" command from Mongoshell, the data can be exported to a MongoDB local server and can be used for further research.