Chaotic dynamics in spontaneous bladder reflex and its control by sacral intraspinal microstimulation in cats

Published: 1 October 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4xyr64w3dn.1


Summary of the project: This study introduces sacral intraspinal microstimulation (ISMS) for inhibiting the spontaneous bladder reflexes in alpha-chloralose anesthetized cats. The effects of ISMS parameters stimulation pattern (i.e., contnious, intermittent, and switching stimulation) on inhibition of the bladder contraction were also investigated. The results indicate that the ISMS targeting the dorsal horn of the S2 segment effectively suppresses high-amplitude spontaneous contractions. The results also show that the spontaneous bladder reflexes exhibit complex dynamics from regular to chaotic dynamics. Different transitions from regular to chaotic dynamics and intermittent chaos-to-chaos were observed. The fascinating results of this research is that the ISMS could control the complex behavior of the bladder contraction and stabilize the spinal neural network to an equilibrium point and inhibit the bladder contraction. Summary of Data files organization: Data files are organized in six folders corresponding to the six cats and a folder named “contraction dynamics.”. Each folder includes some subfolders related to the recording sessions. Each folder contains the data for different experimental trials including CMG test, the effects of the stimulus amplitude, stimulus frequency, the intermittent stimulation, and switching stimulation on inhibition of the spontaneous bladder contraction. The data for each experiment on each cat (i.e., each file) in each directory arranged into the structure array in MATLAB. Each file contains the data for all trials of experiments and the data for each trial of experiment contain recorded intravesical pressure, time series, stimulus pulse-width, stimulus frequency, and the start/end time of the stimulation for each trial of experiment. Also, cat weight, gender, and sampling rate are included. Contraction dynamic folder contains the data demonstrating the different dynamics of the spontaneous bladder contraction. Each file contains the data of one trial of experiments which are intravesical pressure, and time series. Also, cat weight, gender, and the sampling rate in each trial are included. Data related to six cats and "contraction dynamics" could be runed by a sample MATLAB code named "sample_show_data_stim.m" and " sample_show_data.m", respectively.



Iran University of Science and Technology


Chaos Theory, Bladder, Electrical Stimulation, Neural Inhibition
