Collective Intentions of the Social Economy: An Experiment on the Community Currency of the French Basque Country.
Data and analysis for results in the article. Stata 17 files. Note that you must set the file path in the .do file to the location where the data is saved.
Steps to reproduce
A lab-in-the-field ultimatum game experiment, denominated in either Euros or Eusko, which are local community currencies of the French Basque region. Results compare offers, and the minimum acceptable offer (MAO) by the responder, depending on whether the participant was a (self-declared) regular user of the currency or not. In the experiment, Responder MAOs were elicited first with exogenous, random currency, and then the experimenter approached Proposers in a different location for offers. Proposers were paid immediately if the offer was at least as great as the previously elicited MAO. In either case, the experimenter then returned to the Responder to inform them of the outcome and pay any winnings.