Open access dataset for machine-generated text detection in Russian

Published: 21 September 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4ynxfp3w53.1
German Gritsay, Andrey Grabovoy, Yury Chekhovich


Open access dataset for machine-generated text detection in Russian. The dataset consists of a zip-archive with 450k documents from Russian Wikipedia corpus as a real part for detection task and 450k machine-generated documents. Generated documents contains 150k samples for each language model (SberAI-small, SberAI-large, Facebook-XGLM) with 3 sampling methods (top-k, top-p, pure) and 2 priming sequence strategy (word, sentence). We provide you with access both to the data with the combined generated samples and to the individual parts of the documents generated by the different language models.



Text Processing, Text Mining
