Teaching Academic Staff to Implement Interactive Graphics for their Courses – A Contribution to Digital Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Questionnaires on Online-Workshop to teach academic staff to Implement Interactive Graphics for their Course. Item of questionnaire before workshop: 1. Age 2. Gender 3. Have you already used digital media for your class (video-conferences tools such as Microsoft-Teams and Zoom are not meant)? 4. For how much time (in percent) is it reasonable to use digital teaching tool in higher education? 5. I find the increasing use of digital teaching media in higher education for students … 6. I find the increasing use of digital teaching media in higher education for lecturers… 7. Interactive graphics facilitate teaching 8. Interactive graphics facilitate learning 9. I´m experienced in programming. 10. I have knowledge in using R. 11. I have already used interactive graphics before. 12. The invention of the letterpress in the 15th century reduced in my opinion the need for traditional face-to-face class 13. The invention of the internet in the 20th century will fundamentally promote a permanent shift into digital teaching in higher education. 14. The COVID-19 pandemic will fundamentally promote a permanent shift into digital teaching in higher education. Item of questionnaure after workshop 1. Age 2. Gender 3. Interactive graphics facilitate teaching 4. Interactive graphics facilitate learning 5. I can imagine using interactive graphics in my classes in the future. 6. I can imagine programming interactive graphics for my classes in the future. 7. The workshop promoted my interest for using digital teaching media 8. Further comments and ideas