Higher Education and Labour Market Data

Published: 1 July 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4zswn4t7c3.1
Jerusalem Yizengaw


This data set includes the quantitative data and software, qualitative data (both Amharic and English version), instruments, and sources of data. The quantitative data was gathered from 161 respondents as part of a doctoral dissertation titled "Higher Education and Labor Market in Ethiopia: A Tracer Study of Graduate Employment in Engineering from Addis Ababa and Bahir Dar Universities." In the recent extracted article titled "Higher Education, Gender, and Job Opportunities of Engineering Graduates in Ethiopia: An Exploratory Study," only 158 data points out of 161 were entered into SPSS because of three missing data points, which makes it difficult to use bootstrapping with missing data, so only 158 data points were considered. A variable that has missing data is eliminated. This research uses bootstrapping to see the model's performance in terms of predicting power, so by increasing the sample size, it is possible to simulate the model's projections (Collier, 2020).


Steps to reproduce

Tracing the Whereabouts: Steps Followed to Trace the Engineering Graduates Firstly, the identification of graduates was made by the list of graduates’ received from the archive and registrar offices of Addis Ababa and Bahir Dar Universities. However, it appeared to be necessary to follow up the contact addresses of all graduates in order to update their address details. Secondly, all graduates were contacted by their telephone addresses. This personal contact was expected to get many positive responses as well as encourage graduates to participate in the study and, moreover, to identify the remaining group of graduates. Thirdly, consent letters were sent to 380 graduates via email. 189 were willing and 78 were unwilling with time constraints and other related factors and 91 did not give any response. Fourthly, a questionnaire was sent via email and mailed via postal addresses to graduates once their addresses are correctly identified. Some were made by hand delivery. Fifthly, personal network (word of mouth) and use of key resource persons from each group were used to enquire the current addresses of graduates who could not be traced through the previous methods. Moreover, searching graduates and contacting them via Face book and using their networks were additional methods used. Finally, graduates (respondents) were reminded via email for three times besides to SMS messages. Meanwhile, according to the sample size of 195 (100%), data was collected from 161 (83%); of which, 89 was from BDU-BiT (48 via email, 36 through hand delivery, 4 through postal address and 1 through Face Book attachment) and 72 from AAU-AAiT (45 via email and 27 through hand delivery).


Bahir Dar University


