Supplementary information S2 movies
Published: 15 December 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/52bhwgf3wh.1
Julien Mortier, Stefanie Van Riet, Diana Senovilla Herrero, Kristof Vanoirbeek, Abram AertsenDescription
Supplementary Information 2. Representative movies of the phase contrast and epifluorescence (reporting sfGFP(Sp) expressed from the TnJM1 transposon inserted into the indicated genes) channels of reconstructed mutants grown on MOPS agarose pads. Due to differences in fluorescence expression among the isolated clones, image brightness was adjusted for each mutant separately and fluorescence intensity can therefore not be compared between videos.
Associatie KU Leuven
Microbiology, Bacterial Genetics