Data for: New high-throughput approach to study interdiffusion in medium- and high-entropy alloys

Published: 25 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/52gchtffvp.1
, Guillaume Laplanche


In the present work, interdiffusion experiments were performed using quaternary medium-entropy alloys. Our alloys are labelled from A to D: A: Cr35Fe15Co15Ni35 (composition in at.%) B: Cr15Fe35Co35Ni15 C: Cr15Fe35Co15Ni35 D: Cr35Fe15Co35Ni15 The data are experimental EDX concentration profiles that developed during annealing for 100 h. Moreover, we also provide fits of these data that were obtained using a physically-based, phenomenological kinetic model (Please refer to for more details). The data are labelled as follows: For example in the Excel file entitled: AB, 1173K, exp the reader will find experimental EDX concentration profiles of Cr, Fe, Co, and Ni that resulted from diffusion annealing at 1173K for 100 h in the diffusion couple AB. As another example, the Excel file: CD, 1373K, fit refers to fitted concentration profiles after 100 h at 1373K for the diffusion couple CD


Steps to reproduce

Please refer to the research article and its supplementary materials, where the experimental methods are described.


Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Ames Laboratory


Materials Science, Diffusion, Entropy, Alloy Metallurgy
