Multi-Area State Estimation of Electrical Distribution Systems Considering Topology Changes - Metadata
Published: 21 July 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/52xd8f65fr.1
Thales SchuabbDescription
The paper presents a fast State Estimation (SE) tool suitable for real-time applications in a practical Electrical Distribution System (EDS) that can also be flexible for operation changes. The ".xlsx" files contain the generated data used for training and testing the Artificial Neural Networks used on the paper, one file for each tested system. The reading guideline for interpreting each column of the ".xlsx" files is also present. For each tested system, there is also informationg regarding the connections formed by each switch; the open switches for each tested topology; and the identification of the buses and switches belonging to each area.
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Electrical Engineering, Artificial Neural Networks