How well do biophysical models characterise the thermal energetics of small invasive passerines: a case study on common waxbills

Published: 18 April 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/52z24w5jmb.1
Marina Sentis Vila


This contains the original Excel files and R scripts used to generate the analyses and figures presented in the manuscript "How well do biophysical models characterise the thermal energetics of small invasive passerines: a case study on common waxbills". It includes four scripts, which used NicheMapR to predict the energy expenditure (EE) and thermoneutral zone (TNZ) of common waxbills, as well as to conduct sensitivity analysis of these predictions. The Excel files contain the raw data used in the analysis, including measurements of metabolic rates (BMR, RMR and TNZ), body masses before and after the 73-hour experiment, the gross energy content of food and bird excreta from the 73-hour experiment, environmental temperatures during the 73-hour experiment, and morphological measurements of common waxbills from museum specimens.



Animal Physiology, Animal Energetics, Energy Expenditure, Biological Invasion
