Data for: High consanguinity promotes intergenerational wealth concentration in socioeconomically privileged Krummhörn families of the 18th and 19th centuries

Published: 18 December 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/536557z76f.1
Kai P. Willführ, Johannes Johow, Eckart Voland


# R-Workspace containing two customized functions for plotting, # - grid_arrange_shared_legend taken from: # - multiplot taken from: # # and three data.frames: # - mdat: Raw data of mothers, includimng founder generation (N = 15961, extracted from the Krummhörn pedigree containing 74639 individuals) # - mdat0: Study sample including only mothers with minimum pedigree depth of 4 (N = 6447) # - mdat1: Data set of mothers for which all grandparents of them and their partner(s) are known (N = 2321) # with the variables: # $ momid : num ID of mother # $ incl : num 1 if included in data set of known mothers, otherwise 0 # $ SES : Factor for socioeconomic status (4 levels: "Unknown", "Landless", "small to medium scale farmers", "large scale farmers") # $ minByear : num Birth year of 1st born child # $ maxByear : num Birth year of last born child # $ minDepth : num Pedigree depth as the generation number of known ancestors # $ Fmean : num Inbreeding coefficient F (as calculated by pedigree::calcInbreeding()) # $ cons : num 1 if consanguineous (i.e. F>=0.0156), otherwise 0 # $ cousMarr : num 1 if in 1st cousin marriage (i.e. F~0.0625), otherwise 0 # $ consanguinity : Factor for consanguinity (3 levels: "low (<0.0156)", "medium (>=0.0156)", "high (1st cousins)") # $ docGrasenMean : num Mean number of grasen within a mother's founded families # $ eltnrfGrasenMean : num Number of grasen within the mother's family-of-origin # $ eltnrmGrasenMean : num Mean number of grasen within the mother's partner(s)' family/ies-of-origin # $ mlocal : chr Code of the Kirchspiel, in which the mother was first married # $ decade : Factor fot the decade in which the mother's first marriage occured (28 levels) # $ cross : num 1 if identified as cross-cousin marriage, otherwise 0 # $ paral : num 1 if identified as parallel cousin marriage, otherwise 0



Human Behavioral Ecology
