Survey Data Responses on Employee Happiness: Focusing On Individual Factor Among Staff In Malaysian Higher Education Institution

Published: 21 June 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/538s8bzz99.1


This data presented the descriptive data on organization factors that contribute to staff happiness. The survey was conducted in one of Malaysian Higher Education Institution which is located at southern of the Malay Peninsula. The study involved 15 respondents comprising academic and non-academic staff at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. The session of Round Table Discussion was organised to discuss the issues has been highlighted from survey data. Discussion topic covered the opinion and suggestion of respondent to what are the personal factors proposed are contribute to staff happiness. The Round Table Discussion sessions were audio-recorded and transcribed. Informants were given a copy of the transcripts to review in ensuring accuracy. The resulting study data was then analyzed using thematic analysis. To ensure data trustworthiness, the researcher applied both participant and literature review cross-checks. Data analyses shows that the personal economy and appreciation dimension were the highest contributors in determining the employee happiness followed by support system, work station environment and trust. As a conclusion, the data set provides an initial record of how personal factor of employee in the organisation affect their happiness at work place.



Social Sciences
