Exploring Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Spirit of Inquiry: Preliminary Findings: Intra- and Inter-Instrument Correlations Table

Published: 19 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/53mhhbdzjt.1


Intra- and inter-instrument correlations across 4 instruments from beyond the nursing context, all used in a multi-year study of undergraduate nursing students focused on assessing the “spirit of inquiry” ("step zero" of evidence-based practice in nursing). Instruments used: (1) the 7-item Curiosity and Exploration Inventory put forth by Kashdan et al. (2004); (2) Litman's (2008) 10-item Interest/Deprivation Scale (I/D Scale); (3) Litman’s (2017) 12-item Incurious Worry Reduction Motive (IWRM) Scale; and (4) Toh & Miller's (2016) 23-item Preferences for Creativity Scale.



Nursing, Higher Education, Undergraduate Education, Evidence-Based Nursing
