ESS_Round 2 (2004) and Round 5 (2010) - Merged Dataset
Published: 6 July 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/53w7j8888y.1
Theocharis KromydasDescription
The ESS is a biannual survey, which aims to capture socio-economic attitudes and values in Europe. This dataset merges rounds 2 and 5 . ESS Questions regarding job quality as well as pay have been asked as part of an integrated module, which is unique to these two rounds. This module, called as “Family, Work and Well-Being” and conducted from 2004 to 2006 (round 2) and from 2010 to 2012 (round 5), can provide useful insights on peoples’ perception on their job quality, before (2004) and during (2010) recession. Of the twenty-six countries present in round 2 and the twenty-seven countries in round 5, only nineteen are common to both rounds.
Social Sciences