Aspergillus indicador de Micotoxinas

Published: 7 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/545ggpy38c.1
Bertilda Pedraza


Coffee is Colombia's most important agricultural product. It is vital to the economy and the livelihoods of a significant portion of the population. To improve its quality, it is essential to implement good practices in the cultivation, harvesting and processing of coffee. This will reduce the risk of contamination by various physical, chemical and biological agents, such as the formation of mycotoxins, which represent a significant obstacle to its commercialization due to their impact on public health. The objective of the study was to detect the presence of mycotoxins type ochratoxin A produced by fungi in roasted coffee produced in the municipality of Valledupar. The objective of the study was to detect the presence of mycotoxins type ochratoxin A produced by fungi in roasted coffee produced in the municipality of Valledupar. 16 samples of roasted coffee beans from three Arabica varieties were analyzed, representing 21% of the coffee producing municipalities in Cesar, the Castillo General and Colombia varieties represented 60% and 33%, respectively. 14 strains of fungi were isolated and identified by taxonomic criteria in PDA and Czpeck as presumptive genera Aspergillus 57.69% (15) and Penicillum 34.61% (9), with A. niger and P. verrucosum identified with 26.9% and 7.69% respectively, these data are essential to make decisions at the level of public health policy and generate strengthening activities in the coffee sector to monitor the implementation of good post-harvest practices in coffee crops.


Steps to reproduce

Pasos para obtener los datos fue: 1. Visita de campo y tomar la georreferenciación de la zona 2. Compilar la información 3. Procesar las muestras de café tostado 4. Realizar los montajes y obtener el desarrollo microbiano fúngico 5. Identificar por claves taxonómicas los aislados.


Universidad de Santander


Teratogenesis, Ochratoxin, Aspergillus flavus


University of Santander
