Monetary Stability on Africa Data

Published: 4 March 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/549vbnj6gk.1
Michael Asiedu


This data set is compiled from secondary sources including the World Development Indicator database (IMF/WORLD BANK) annual and official Central Bank Data sources data on macro-level data on selected African Countries to examine the the long-run money demand function in search of monetary stability in Africa.


Steps to reproduce

This data set is compiled from secondary sources including the World Development Indicator database (IMF/WORLD BANK) annual and official Central Bank Data sources data on macro-level data on selected African Countries to examine the the long-run money demand function in search of monetary stability in Africa. The study employed the ARDL model after establishing long-run and cointegrating relationship among the variables through the Johanson Cointegration test. we also employed CUSUM and CUSUMsq test graphs to examine the stability of the demand functions.


Ankang University


Monetary Policy, Comparative Analysis of Monetary Policy, Monetary Forecasting
