Hohl et al., Rabaul volcanic Complex major, trace element and Sr-Hf-Nd-Fe isotope data
Published: 5 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/54cb62zsnb.1
Simon HohlDescription
Table 1: Petrography of sampled Lavas of the Rabaul volcanic system Table 2: Major element concentrations of Rabaul lavas Table 3: Trace element concentrations of Rabaul lavas and reference materials Table 4: HSFE element concentrations of Rabaul lavas obtained by isotope dilution method Table 5: Compositions of radiogenic Hf, Nd, Sr and stable Fe isotopes in Rabaul lavas
Novel Stable Isotopes, Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry, Trace Element