Dataset of CFD simulation modified windbox

Published: 22 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/54dhcjkv5v.1
nurdin hasananto,


Homogeneity and uniformity of airflow is one of crucial objective to ensure good mixing in furnace chamber. Fluidization flow is provided by airflow from secondary air and primary air. Primary air is entering furnace after passing through the windbox section. Evaluation and analysis of windbox is an urge to understand hydrodynamic inside. Therefore, we conduct several assessments in this equipment. Windbox is modified with several type of separator not only vertical but also horizontal. Simulation using CFD approach is conducted and presented. This dataset provides output of base windbox (without modification) and after modified. JPEG result of several point of view is presented in "result-picture", PDF of drawing each windbox is presented in "drawing windbox" files. In additon, CFD file is presented in "CFD data" files.


Steps to reproduce

Initially, we have collected preliminary data such as drawing from Anggrek power plant followed with DCS from CCR room. Then, we created three dimensional models of windbox and implementing some simplification to reduce computational cost. Then, we used ANSYS Fluent software to conduct CFD analysis. Meshing process is done by default fluent meshing. outlet section is defined each row. Then, we conducted steady analysis and observed velocity and mass flow at each outlet. For inlet section, we used "mass flow inlet" type. Initialization is set from inlet section. Then followed with SIMPLE discretization with option of "high order relaxation" enabled. Later on, CFD output is processed with CFD post using contour, vector, line and function calculator fiture.


Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Brawijaya Fakultas Teknik


Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computer Simulation, Power Plant, Asymmetric Flow, Velocity
