Quantitative image analysis of PMA-treated primary in vitro horizontal basal cells

Published: 26 April 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/54tkpr2zdv.2
Camila Barrios Camacho


This dataset contains the CellProfiler-mediated quantitative image analysis described in Barrios-Camacho, CM et al (2024). The purpose of this analysis was to quantify TP63 levels across 12-hours of sustained treatment with 50nM of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. We sampled TP63, CK5, and RELA levels via immunostaining. HBCs were sampled over six different time points. We established nuclear and cytoplasmic boundaries by setting masks with DAPI and CK5. DAPI+ regions were annotated as nuclei, while CK5-DAPI+ regions were annotated as the cytoplasm.


Steps to reproduce

Please see Barrios-Camacho CM et al., (2024) for details on how to reproduce data. The GitHub account contains scripts used to reproduce our analyses.


Stem Cells Research, Olfactory System, Quantitative Imaging
