Collected data of water levels, waves, currents and suspended sediment concentration in west sea of Vietnamese Mekong Delta

Published: 6 January 2025| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/5566d5mtd9.2
Nguyen Nguyet-Minh


Raw data in the manuscript by Nguyet-Minh Nguyen, Tu Duy Le, Hiep Van Pham, Hoang Thai Duong Vu, Sylvain Ouillon, Thanh Cong Nguyen to be submitted by Marine Geology as "Suspended sediment pattern along the Mekong Delta's west coast induced by strong southwest monsoon activities and extreme events". Field investigations to collected data of water levels, waves, currents and suspended sediment concentration were conducted within the framework of the ViWat-project, which was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Germany, Grant number 02WCL1474A) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam (ĐTĐL.CN-47/18).


Steps to reproduce

The field survey took place from July 1st to July 12th, 2019


Conductivity, Salinity
