Data for: Improved electromagnetic coil insulation health monitoring using equivalent circuit model analysis

Published: 30 January 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/55ybzxfwgf.1
Noel Jordan Jameson, Michael Azarian, Michael Pecht


Total number of measurements: 64 For data file “Valve4_DCR_data.mat”: The third column of DCR_avg is the average DC resistance at each time. T is the measurement times. For the data file “Valve4_RX_data.mat”: f is the frequency vector rH is the resistance (real part of impedance) data for the healthy coil (i.e., before the formation of a short) rHCorr is the correlation of rH with time (Spearman correlation spectrum) xH is the reactance (imaginary part of impedance) data for the healthy coil (i.e., before the formation of a short) R_avg is the resistance (real part of impedance) data for the entire experiment X_avg is the reactance (imaginary part of impedance) data for the entire experiment R_corr is the Spearman correlation of the resistance with time for the entire experiment X_corr is the Spearman correlation of the reactance with time for the entire experiment T is the measurement time vector res is the index for the resonant frequency over the entire experiment (i.e., f(res) is the resonant frequency over the entire experiment) Zmag_avg is the impedance magnitude measurements over the entire experiment Zpha_avg is the impedance phase (in degrees) measurements over the entire experiment



Applied Sciences, Natural Sciences
