Stream Restoration and Environmental Justice in North Carolina
This is a dataset of stream restoration projects and environmental justice metrics in North Carolina. The data are organized as follows: "projects" tab: contains all stream restoration projects funded by the North Carolina Land and Water Fund (NCLWF) from 2013-2020. Attributes include the year in which the project was funded, the project name, the award amount, and the county. "counties" tab: for all North Carolina counties, contains the number of NCLWF-funded projects from 2013-2020 in the county, the county population, the stream length within the county, and environmental justice metrics for the county (stream length, people of color, low-income, linguistically isolated, less than high school education, under age 5, and over age 64. "block_groups" tab: for all NCLWF projects from 2013-2020, contains the county in which the project is located, the stream on which the project is located, and environmental justice metrics for the census block group in which the project is located (people of color, low-income, linguistically isolated, less than high school education, under age 5, and over age 64). Data sources: NCLWF projects: Environmental justice projects: