COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake and Hesitancy in Somaliland
The dataset contain information on COVID-19 vaccine and hesitancy. A related article is being submitted to Data in Brief. Here are the symbols in the dataset and what they stand for? LANG= Survey language Uptake= was the respondent vaccinated? Willing= if not vaccinated, was the respondent willing to get vaccinated? EMPLOY= Is the respondent currently employed? HISTORY= whether the respondent has a past history of a chronic disease AVAILABLE= was the vaccine made available at a nearby center or at work place? ABOVE45= does the respondent live with someone above 45 years old? TEST= has the respondent ever been tested for COVID19? RESULT= result of the COVID-19 test THREAT= to what extent does the respondent agrees with the statement that COVID-19 test poses a serious threat to his/her health? SAFETY= to what extent does the respondent agrees with the statement that COVID-19 test is safe? SOCIALM= how long does the respondent use social media per day?