Product Reviews Dataset for Emotions Classification Tasks - Indonesian (PRDECT-ID) Dataset

Published: 19 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/574v66hf2v.1


PRDECT-ID Dataset is a collection of Indonesian product review data annotated with emotion and sentiment labels. The data were collected from one of the giant e-commerce in Indonesia named Tokopedia. The dataset contains product reviews from 29 product categories on Tokopedia that use the Indonesian language. Each product review is annotated with a single emotion, i.e., love, happiness, anger, fear, or sadness. The group of annotators does the annotation process to provide emotion labels by following the emotions annotation criteria created by an expert in clinical psychology. Other attributes related to the product review are also extracted, such as Location, Price, Overall Rating, Number Sold, Total Review, and Customer Rating, to support further research.



Bina Nusantara University


Natural Language Processing, Text Processing, Consumer Emotion, Text Mining, Sentiment Analysis
