Data for: Detection of cytokines (IL-1α and IL-2) and oxidative stress markers in hepatitis B envelope antigen-positive and -negative chronic hepatitis B patients: Molecular and biochemical study

Published: 26 October 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/589x9xh6r4.1
Mushtak Al-Ouqaili


we believe that this paper will be of interest to the readership of your journal because of the journal’s focus on hepatology. One of the conclusions of the present study is that qRT-PCR is a sensitive, specific, and reproducible approach for detecting and quantifying HBV-DNA in clinical serum samples; it can also serve as an essential supplementary tool in clinical settings, especially for establishing viremia levels (follow up before and after treatment) in HBeAg-positive or -negative patients with CHB. Our study also demonstrated that production of the lipid peroxidation marker, MDA, is significantly reduced in patients infected with HBV. Further, IL-1α and IL-2 levels revealed information about the HBV infection status and may be used as a parameter of hepatic inflammation as the IL-2 levels were significantly lower in HBeAg-positive patients than in HBeAg-negative patients.



Molecular Biology
