Data of natural regeneration in a forest chronosequence after mining lands in Southeast Peruvian Amazon
Vegetation data were collected in field using 20 m × 60 m plots, divided into three 20 m × 20 m sub-plots, where all individuals with a stem diameter at breast height (DBH) greater than 1 cm were inventoried. Total height and DBH of all individuals were measured using a clinometer (Suunto PM 5/360 PC) and a diameter tape (Forestry Suppliers – 283D/10M), respectively. Four sites were selected for the sampling, three successional forests after gold mining and an old-growth forest (reference forest, without mining impacts). In each site three plots were stablished, a total of 12 plots (36 sub-plots).
Steps to reproduce
Nat_regen_Mining_vegetation v6.xlsx contains the list of tree plant species sampled in three successional forests after gold mining and an old-growth forest