Data from: Geographical and socioeconomic determinants of species discovery trends in a biodiversity hotspot

Published: 22 February 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/58phnkr3tj.1
Mario Moura, Diego Santana, Heraldo L Vasconcelos, André L G Carvalho, Marco A Peixoto, Henrique Costa


These data correspond to information on average description year of anuran, lizard, and snake species in multiple localities in the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot, as well as data on geographic and socioeconomic variables that potentially explain species discovery trends. More specifically, we provided data on 376 species assemblages of anurans, 150 of lizards, and 235 of snakes. For each species assemblage, we present information on longitude, latitude, number of sampling years, number of survey methods applied, taxonomic group (anuran, lizard, or snake), species richness, average discovery trends (two metrics), and others 10 predictors related to human occupation, economic development, on-ground accessibility, biodiversity appeal (i.e. interest of first researching preserved areas), and expertise availability. The data format are csv files and R-scripts.



Ecology, Spatial Analysis, Conservation Biology
