Students' perceived learning experiences in the digital educational environment of the university

Published: 7 December 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/58ty2dnjtn.2
Marina Sorokova


This is the database for Marina G. Sorokova's article "Skepticism and learning difficulties in a digital environment at the Bachelor's and Master's levels: are preconceptions valid?" for the scientific journal Heliyon. The study aimed to compare perceived learning experiences of students who completed the e-course with flipped design, to identify the set of opinions common to the majority of students and assess differences of perceived experiences between graduate and undergraduate students. Research Questions: RQ1: What opinions are typical for most students concerning difficulties and benefits of studying in the e-course and what is their attitude to this format? RQ2: How do most students assess their independence, engagement in the learning process and the practical usefulness of the e-course, do they use dishonest strategies in online testing? RQ3: Who prevails among the majority: the share of undergraduate or graduate students? Are there differences between them in terms of totality of opinions? The quasi-experimental study was conducted at the Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE) in the framework of the research project “Digital Technologies in Higher Education: Development of Technology for Individualizing Learning Using E-Courses” in the fall semester 2019/2020. The project design was discussed and approved by the MSUPE Scientific Expert Council and by the MSUPE Scientific Council. The total sample size is N = 344 students of 5 faculties of the university. The target groups were students at the Bachelor's and Master's levels participating in e-courses in mathematical methods in psychological and educational researches. Research highlights • Preconceptions regarding online learning in university digital environment are not valid • Bachelor's and Master's levels students confirm e-courses benefits and deny difficulties • Graduate students are not more skeptical of e-learning than undergraduate • Graduate students more often perceive deficiency of personal contacts with instructor • Students belief that dishonest strategies using in online learning is inevitable



Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj psihologo-pedagogiceskij universitet


Education, Blended Learning, Analysis of Education
