iLand Species Parameters
The database encompasses 9,249 records detailing 66 parameters for 150 tree species and provenances from temperate and boreal biomes, designed for use in simulations with the individual-based forest landscape and disturbance model (iLand). The parameters encompass tree growth, survival, and regeneration, as well as the modeled carbon and nitrogen dynamics. A second database contains parameters related to trees' responses to wind disturbances. This database comprises 498 records for five parameters of 104 tree species and provenances. The databases are provided in .sqlite and .xlsx format.
Steps to reproduce
Species parameters were compiled from previous published and unpublished studies performed by multiple research groups across Europe, North America, and Asia. Species parameters were initially derived from trait databases, the scientific literature (including peer-reviewed and grey literature), forest inventories (e.g., National Forest Inventory data), or estimated by experts. Subsequently, parameters of multiple species and provenances were refined and evaluated against independent data and across multiple sites to ensure their robustness in application.