Supporting data for [Temperature effects in the initial stages of heteroepitaxial film growth]
This data set contains the data for the article with the same title which will be submitted to the journal Surfaces (MDPI) in September 2021 by Tung B. T. To and Fabio D. A. Aarao Reis. In the following data files, the first column is the thickness d and the second column is the roughness W as shown in Figure 3(a) and Figure 5, and Figure 8. w_mean[y].dat, where [y] is the name of the parameter set listed in Table 1. In the following data files, the first column is the lattice distance s and the second column is the value of the autocorrelation function \Gamma as shown in Figure 3(b), Figure 7. gamma_meant[x][y].dat, where [x] is the film thickness and [y] is the name of the parameter set listed in Table 1. The following data files show the height profiles of the film for one simulation realization of a given parameter set as shown in Figures 2, 4, 6. fileht[x][y].dat, where [x] is the film thickness and [y] is the name of the parameter set listed in Table 1. These files can be read as follows. fileh = fopen("fileht[x][y].dat", "r"); for (i=0; i<1024; i++){ for (j=0; j<1024; j++){ fscanf(fileh, "%d\n", &htemp); h[i][j]=htemp; } } fclose(fileh); The file substrate_covering.txt shows the mean film thickness in which the first layer (z=1) is occupied by 99% (theta_c). The first column shows the parameter set as listed in Table 1. The second column shows the mean film thickness in which the first layer (z=1) is occupied by 99% as shown in Figures 3(a) and 5.
Steps to reproduce
This data set contains the data for the article with the same title which will be submitted to the journal Surfaces (MDPI) in September 2021 by Tung B. T. To and Fabio D. A. Aarao Reis. The simulations (kinetic Monte Carlo) to reproduce the data are discussed in details in the article references cited.