Iranian Face Database (IFDB) - Version 1
Iranian Face Database (IFDB) was collected during Sep. 2006 – Jan. 2007 and contains facial images with exact age information. Permission is hereby granted, with CHARGE, to the person who signed this agreement and got the archive on his/her email. Failure to observe the restrictions will result in access being denied for the request of the future version of IFDB and being subject to civil damages in the case of publication of images that have not been approved for release. NOTE 1: The images are available in JPEG format; you may use and reproduce images from this database, or parts of this database, for research purposes only; however, shall not modify the downloaded images themselves. NOTE 2: As such, these images may be published and/or presented in academic journals or scientific conference proceedings or used in classroom settings and other similar academic settings, provided that attribution is given as described in NOTE 3. NOTE 3: The following acknowledgment and citation should be provided as appropriate. “CREDIT IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE PATTERN RESEARCH CENTER, IRAN FOR PROVIDING THE DATABASE OF FACIAL IMAGES” [1] Dehshibi, M. M., & Shanbehzadeh, J. (2017). Cubic norm and kernel-based bi-directional PCA: toward age-aware facial kinship verification. The Visual Computer, 1-18. [2] Dehshibi, M. M., & Bastanfard, A. (2010). A new algorithm for age recognition from facial images. Signal Processing, 90(8), 2431-2444. [3] Bastanfard, A., Nik, M. A., & Dehshibi, M. M. (2007). Iranian face database with age, pose and expression. In Machine Vision, 2007. ICMV 2007. International Conference on (pp. 50-55). IEEE. NOTE 4: Some female’s images are also provided in this database. These images will never appear in any document of any form. Furthermore, any images will never be released in commercial materials, newspapers, or other public Media to PRESERVE THE PRIVACY OF THE DATABASE PARTICIPANTS AND OBSERVE LEGAL REASONS. Only those images that were already published in the mentioned citations may be used for presentation or publications. NOTE 5: The archive file is encrypted. Please find the attached agreement form. After signing it and asking your institution to seal it with its official stamp, send back it to me (mohammad[dot]dehshibi[@]yahoo[dot]com) with a LINK TO YOUR PUBLICATION RECORD. Then, the password would be sent to you.
Steps to reproduce
CONSIDERATION 1: The database will not be further distributed, published, copied, or further disseminated in any way or form whatsoever, whether for profit or not. This includes further distributing, copying or disseminating to a different facility or organizational unit in the requesting university, organization, or company. Such actions need IFDB contributors’ approval. CONSIDERATION 2: You agree that title to the copyright of the database of images will at all times remain with Pattern Research Center (PRC). The names and trademarks of PRC may not be used to advertise, endorse, promote, or to be used in connection with any publicity, pertaining to the images without specific prior written permission of Pattern Research Center (PRC). In addition and except for the copyright notice and acknowledgment in NOTE 3, you shall not use the name of "Pattern Research Center (PRC)," or any variation, adaptation, or abbreviation thereof, or of any of its trustees, officers, faculty, students, employees, or agents, or any trademark owned by Pattern Research Center (PRC) in any promotional material, naming convention, or other public announcement or disclosure without the prior written consent and approval of Pattern Research Center (PRC). CONSIDERATION 3: YOU UNDERSTAND, AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS DATABASE OF IMAGES IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CONSIDERATION 4: IN NO EVENT SHALL PATTERN RESEARCH CENTER (PRC), ITS TRUSTEES, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING ECONOMIC DAMAGES OR INJURY TO PROPERTY AND LOST PROFITS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER PATTERN RESEARCH CENTER (PRC) SHALL BE ADVISED, SHALL HAVE OTHER REASON TO KNOW, OR IN FACT SHALL KNOW OF THE POSSIBILITY OF THE FOREGOING.