The Relative Contribution of High-Gamma Linguistic Processing Stages of Word Production, and Motor Imagery of Articulation in Class Separability of Covert Speech tasks in EEG data

Published: 24 September 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5c2z92vw3g.1
Amir Jahangiri


Raw EEG recordings.


Steps to reproduce

The most difficult part of the code is implementing the Gabor Transform correctly, and efficiently. The perfect solution is using the free LTFAT toolbox in MATLAB: Peter L. Søndergaard, Bruno Torrésani, Peter Balazs. The Linear Time-Frequency Analysis Toolbox. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution Analysis and Information Processing, 10(4), 2012. All other steps are common to many BCIs. In addition to the raw EEG recordings, I have included the Gabor Coefficient matrix for all four classes. As there is a data limit, I have submitted the data for 5 out of ten users.


University of Essex


