Data for: Physical properties of a quasi-1D Ising S = ½ spin system: Ba4CoPt2O9+Δ
Published: 16 April 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5c3np2t5cd.1
Vincent Hardy, RAVEAU Bernard, Olivier Pérez, Vincent CAIGNAERT, Laurence Hervé, Nahed SaklyDescription
Supplementary data containing -Powder X-ray Diffraction -Picture of Chains in Ba4CoPt2O9+Δ with gamma=0.660 -Curie-Weiss analysis of the Ba4CoPt2O9+Δ susceptibility in the low-T range -Temperature dependence of the heat capacity of 1D Ising S = 1/2 systems in magnetic fields applied along the easy-axis. -Heat capacity of the isostructural nonmagnetic reference compound Ba4ZnPt2O9 -Finite size effect on the parallel susceptibility of 1D Ising S = 1/2 systems
Crystallography, Magnetism