Consistent and Coherent Treatment of Uncertainties and Dependencies in Fatigue Crack Growth Calculations Using Multi-Level Bayesian Models
Published: 1 June 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5c5979pwkr.1
Domenic Di FrancescoDescription
These files have been uploaded as a reference for the following submission to the Elsevier Journal of Reliability Engineering and System Safety: 'Consistent and Coherent Treatment of Uncertainties and Dependencies in Fatigue Crack Growth Calculations Using Multi-Level Bayesian Models' by D.Di Francesco, M.H.Faber, M.Chryssanthopoulos and U.Bharadwaj.
University of Surrey, Aalborg Universitet
Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Fracture Mechanics, Bayesian Analysis