
Published: 21 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5c723rpwz2.1
Huong Hoang Luong,


This is a dataset of breast ultrasound images of patients collected from Ca Mau province general hospital - Vietnam. This data set includes 972 samples, and each sample has 03 parts: ultrasound image, description of signs and characteristics of breast tumors based on that image, and diagnosis results of doctors. All information is presented in Vietnamese. The data set is organized into 04 folders: - The "json" folder contains original information about the data such as: images in based64 format, descriptions, diagnoses, patient codes,... - The "image" folder contains images that have been decoded from base64 format in json file. - The "diagnoses" folder contains doctor's diagnoses corresponding to the images in the image folder. - "descriptions" folder: contains descriptions of signs and disease characteristics corresponding to the images in the image folder.



Can Tho University, FPT University


Breast Cancer, Medical Ultrasound
