Data for "Sustainable Business Models: A Systematic Review of Approaches and Challenges in Manufacturing” published by RAC-Revista de Administração Contemporânea/Journal of Contemporary Administration.
There is an ongoing need for businesses to strive to maintain ideals within environmental, economic and social values – commonly known as the triple bottom line. Manufacturing as a sector has advanced drastically and the literature on sustainable business models in this sector has emerged. The purpose of this paper is to analyze sustainable business models in manufacturing and the approaches and challenges faced in creating and implementing them. Using a systematic approach to review the literature, we identify sustainable business models and classify them within different industry areas. Using the ProQuest, Scopus and Web of Science databases, we conducted a literature search using the relevant search criteria (also archived here). the last search from the authors was done in April 2020. We uploaded, cleaned and analysed the search results using Rayyan QCRI ( The resulting data archived here shows search criteria, results obtained, final selection and results. Based on this data and the authors' analysis, strategies and challenges with regards to sustainable business models archetypes in manufacturing emerge from the literature.
Steps to reproduce
To reproduce; - Use the relevant search strings on the appropriate databases - Download the search results and upload them into Rayyan QCRI ( - Clean duplicates - Exclude based on the following criteria -- Non-empirical articles -- Articles based on secondary data -- Articles that present simulations -- Articles that present conceptual frameworks - Include based on the following criteria -- Full text available -- Usefulness -- Usability NB: You might also use our "Search Results Cleaned" dataset. The "Notes" column shows excluded and included documents.