The water quality is the most important towards the Earth and living things for the cycle process. However, the important about this study is to focus Total Suspended Solid using remote sensing and relationship TSS with effect of natural occurrences such as Monsoon and tide. The traditional of physical method to monitor the study area but not effective than the new technology such remote sensing that depend on the spatial resolution, and temporal resolution inside the satellite.The location of our project is Penang Coastal island using the remote sensing with help by software of USGS Earthexplorer, Acolite and ENVI 5.3.Our main finding is The total suspended solid that will be compared with the previous data on 8th December 2009. These previous data is using physical method will be compared the TSS data with method by using remote sensing in the exact coordinates. Next, the data also will be separate into two set which is set 1 area of seven stations and the set 2 will have 10 stations. The TSS obtained from both SET 1 & 2 in the range from 13mg/L to 187 mg/L. However both set will also measured the parameter of surrounding such as weather, speed of wind, speed of gust, moonson, and also tides to make sure every each of TSS data wil be observed correctly by remote sensing. The USGS Earthexplorer will be download the images of the area. The images will be process to the Acolite software for the algorithm of the TSS and then the ENVI 5.3 will open and determined by the algorithms set the data of coordinates from the processed image of Acolite of our project that will be pointed.