this data was collected to test hypotheses regarding the direct impacts of green sustainability (GS) and eco-regulatory compliance (ERC) on the sustainable performance of manufacturing firms in Ghana. Based on the data, the exogenous variables positively impacted the firms' sustainable performance (SUP) in economic (ECP), social (SOP) and environmental performance (ENP) aspects. the results also found eco-regulatory compliance to significantly, positively and partially mediate the relationship between green sustainability and sustainable performance. The data was collected from top managers of manufacturing firms in Ghana to ensure that valid and reliable responses are obtained from only experts in this industry. ample period of three months was allocated for the exercise to ensure that none of the participants feel pressured to provide invalid responses. The researchers engaged in face-to-face data collection by utilising the services of three well-trained and resourced data collectors. After the data collection period, various data screening and cleaning methods were carried out to ensure that missing values are reduced to their barest minimum. Also, the cleaned data was assigned codes and entered into the SPSS software. the data subsequently underwent thorough editing to check for possible data entry errors. Finally, the data underwent reliability testing and the Cronbach alpha values for each construct exceeded the required thresholds of 0.70, indicating reliability of the data.