Published: 31 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5dfrzx359s.1
, Manoela Costa Policarpo


The study that used this base proposed the integration of pictographic elements (emojis) as a novel dimension within the realm of social commerce. This database served as the foundation for conducting three distinct experiments, each aimed at exploring various facets of the relationship between emojis and consumer behavior. Experiment 1 - Presence vs. Absence of Emojis: The initial dataset comprises two primary conditions: one involving the presence of emojis and the other lacking them. Alongside this, key variables were taken into consideration, including participants' levels of trust, perception of social presence, gender, and age. Experiment 2 - Positive and Negative Comment Integration: Building upon the findings of the first experiment, the second dataset expanded to incorporate an additional layer of complexity: the inclusion of positive and negative comments alongside emojis. Experiment 3 - Emojis in Utilitarian vs. Hedonic Contexts: The third and final dataset delved into the nuanced interrelationship between emojis and the type of service offered. Here, two primary dimensions were considered: the presence or absence of emojis and the categorization of service as either utilitarian or hedonic. This experiment sought to unravel how these factors could impact variables such as purchase intention, shedding light on whether the effects of emojis varied across different service contexts. Conclusion: The database developed for this research initiative represents a comprehensive exploration of the integration of emojis as a multifaceted dimension within social commerce. Through a series of three experiments, the impact of emojis on consumer behavior was scrutinized from various angles. The findings of these experiments contribute to understand how emojis can be strategically employed to enhance user engagement and purchase intentions in the ever-evolving landscape of social commerce.



Universidade Federal de Campina Grande


Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Social Commerce
