2019 Digital Repression Index

Published: 12 December 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5dnfmtgbfs.1
Steven Feldstein


The data describes global patterns of digital repression for 2019 and incorporates two composite indexes: a latent construct of digital repression, and a latent construct of digital repression capacity. The data includes an interaction for social media penetration for three Digital Society Project variables: government social media monitoring, government dissemination of false information domestic, and party dissemination of false information domestic. Key issued addressed by this data: Which countries are deploying digital repression techniques and how prevalent is their use? What is the relationship between regime type and digital repression? How might we understand the relationship between specific types of repression (violating political liberties, physical violence committed by the state, or curtailing private civil liberties) and digital repression? How does the deployment of individual components of digital repression differ in democracies versus autocracies?



Human Rights, Information and Communication Technologies, Internet Censorship, Democracy, Surveillance
