Young Lunar Mare Basalts in the Chang’e-5 Sample Return Region, Northern Oceanus Procellarum
Data for: Young Lunar Mare Basalts in the Chang’e-5 Sample Return Region, Northern Oceanus Procellarum [1] The .txt files contain download links to corresponding dataset. [2] "CE5_Crater Counts_134900_Qian2021.7z" contains the original crater counting files. [3] "CE5_CSFD_Ages_Qian2021.7z" and "CE5_CSFD_Ages_Qian2021.xlsx" contain the crater counting results. [4] "CE5_CSFD_Ages_Qian2021_Excluded Areas.7z" contains the shapefiles for the excluded crater counting areas in Em4/P58. [5] "CE5_Geological Boundaries_Qian2021.7z" contains the shapefiles for the geological boundaries mapped by the current study and Qian et al. (2018). [6] "CE5_Mare Thickness.xlsx" contains the mare thickness for each subunit in Em4/P58. [7] "M3_OP2C_3550N4361W.7z" contains the OP2C Moon Mineralogical Mapper data for northern Oceanus Procellarum used in this study. Anyone use any material from this dataset anywhere for any purpose should cite the corresponding paper published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Qian, Y., Xiao, L., Head, J.W., van der Bogert, C.H., Hiesinger, H., Wilson, L., 2021. Young lunar mare basalts in the Chang’e-5 sample return region, northern Oceanus Procellarum. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 555, 116702. Questions and comments can be submitted to: Yuqi Qian School of Earth Sciences China University of Geosciences, Wuhan or