Supplemental movies of three-dimensional DT-MRI fiber tractography of the pregnant mouse cervix

Published: 1 October 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5f8529553d.1
Jennifer Herington


Three-dimensional DT-MRI fiber tractography of the cervix viewed in transverse slices (Supplemental Movie 1), coronal slices (Supplemental Movie 2), and at the midcoronal plane to show the internal fiber structure of gravid cervix (Supplemental Movie 3). Fiber orientation is indicated by color (right-left, green; anterior-posterior, blue; superior-inferior, red). Fiber tracts reconstructed and rendered using DSI Studio software.. Fiber orientation information is superimposed on fractional anisotropy (FA) maps. Fiber orientation in each pixel is indicated by a color-coded line segment in slices that are either transverse to the endocervical canal (left; Supplemental Movie 1) or in coronal slices (left; Supplemental Movie 2) and rendered in the 3D fiber tract model (right, Supplemental Movies 1 and 2).



Vanderbilt University Medical Center


Pregnancy, Cervix, Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging
